Welcome to our resource page. Here you will find annual reports and other key documents. Enjoy!
Annual Report 2023
In 2023, Clowns Without Borders brought hope to vulnerable children worldwide, creating spaces of laughter and resilience. Key moments included the Assembly in Barcelona, where strategic goals were strengthened, and Anneli became president.
Annual Report 2021
In 2012, Clowns Without Borders International was founded in France, uniting efforts globally to spread joy. Over a decade, it has grown, overcoming challenges like the pandemic and fostering creativity and resilience.
Annual Report 2019
Clowns Without Borders International (CWBI), founded in 2012, unites global chapters to spread joy in crisis zones. Through volunteer artists, it brings laughter and hope to children in refugee camps and areas of emergency.
Miles of Smiles
“Miles of Smiles” was created for anyone, especially artists, who would like to know more about how to lead Clowns Without Borders projects in crisis areas around the world.